Simple post + Thumbnail Grid gallery (2 columns)

By Alen Vuletić / On

IDEP is one the most significant design universities
in Barcelona.

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Simple post + Thumbnail Grid gallery (4 columns)

By Alen Vuletić / On

Nortemérida, is a residential development located in a privileged zone in Mérida, Mexico.

We developed the project aiming to achieve a very clear visual communication. We created the slogan “La Ciudad que queremos”, phrase that in Spanish has two different meanings:  – The City we love  – or  – The City we want – Our intention was to play with this meanings, promoting that a better quality of life is possible.

The city of Mérida was our main inspiration, is a center of folklore with an enormous cultural wealth, and unparalleled gastronomy. It’s a city that holds ancestral traditions and at the same time is inhabited by new generations of successful and well travelled individuals that have chosen Merida as their home. All our graphic decisions for this project were based on the representation of this lifestyle.

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